The impending toll increase

A car approaching the toll
A car approaching the toll (Photo credit: Jamaica Toll Authority Twitter)

According to news reports, there is a proposal to increase Highway 2000 toll rates by the toll operators, but some motorists and passengers are bemoaning their opposition. It is reported that toll operators have asked the Ministry of Transport to approve increases ranging between 9.09 per cent and 26.67 per cent.

But motorists like Sam Townsend (not his real name) is in disagreement with the plan because of financial reasons. “If the toll go increase now, how me a go buy gas, cause gas already gone up and people a complain every day,” he said. Townsend regularly uses the east to west leg of Highway 2000, this comprises Portmore, Mandela to May Pen.

Like Townsend, Taneisha Mair (not her real name), a passenger who works in Kingston is not pleased with the plan of action. “Probably bus and taxi fare soon increase, cause more money is needed for everything,” she stated.

But toll operators have offered discounts to motorists who use the Portmore and Spanish Town toll plazas after their tenth trip, if the proposal is put in motion. For the Portmore Toll Plaza, class 1 vehicles would pay $288. The original price is $340. While for the Class 2 toll before discount it is $550, but after it would be $468. The Spanish Town Toll Plaza for class 1 vehicles before discount is $240, but after it would be $218 while class 2 is $370 and after discount, $333. No discounts were proposed for class 3 vehicles.

Other Toll rates include: Portmore Toll Plaza, Class 1 current rate – $290, proposed new rate – $340; Class 2 current rate – $470, proposed new rate – $550; Class 3 current rate – $870; proposed new rate – $1,020; Spanish Town Toll Plaza, Class 1 current rate – $210, proposed new rate – $240; Class 2 current rate – $320, proposed new rate – $370; Class 3 Current rate – $590,  proposed new rate – $680; Vineyards Toll Plaza, Class 1 current rate – $550, proposed new rate – $600; Class 2 current rate – $810, proposed new rate – $900; Class 3 current rate – $1,510, proposed new rate – $1,800; May Pen Toll Plaza, Class 1 current rate – $150, proposed new rate – $190; Class 2 current rate – $250, proposed new rate – $300; Class 3 current rate – $500, proposed new rate – $570. The increase is slated for Saturday, 2 July, if accepted.

The Toll Authority, an agency of the Ministry of Transport and Mining, was created under the Toll Roads Act It is mandated under the provision of the Toll Roads Act to regulate the operations and maintenance of toll roads and such other facilities as may be deemed necessary on or adjacent to toll roads,” documents The Ministry of Transport and Works. According to the Toll Road Act, “the toll road operator is entitled to a variation of toll once every twelve months effective on the anniversary date of the last adjustment”.

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