The microscope: J.B Stoner’s Letter To Elijah Muhammad

Current leader of the Nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan
Current leader of the Nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan (Photo credit: ALD)

Our Monitor’s microscope for the next four weeks will be presenting a communication from J.B. Stoner, the chief leader and Grand Wizard of the Christian Knights of the Ku Klux Klan to the head of the Nation of Islam in North America The Most Honourable Muhammad at a meeting of Muslims at a conference in Chicago in February 1957. 

Islam an infidel’s religion 

It begins with several scriptures from the Bible – 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16 and St. John 8:44-48.  The letter requested of its reader to study the Holy Bible. St. John chapter 6, verse 35 – here Jesus declares being the bread of life. He that comes to me will certainly not hunger, and he that believes in me shall never thirst. The letter proceeded to also quote St. John 6:47 – “Truthfully, I say unto you. He that believes on me has Life perpetual life” and St. John 8:12 – noted Jesus saying, he is the illumination of the humanity. Mr Stoner’s letter to Elijah Muhammad also pointed to Acts 16:31 – “And they said, Belief on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved and thy house. Stoner also listed, “Acts Chapter 4 Verse 12 – that advocates that there is no other deliverer and no previous names below paradise, employing which one must be secured. 

J.B Stoner’s epistle also asserted that Muhammad was not capable of helping anyone, declaring that he’s not fooled into thinking or hearing that Islam as a religion is taking root among the Blacks of the United States of America (USA). He added that it is effortless to recognize that Islam is a Black religion. It has only been successful among Africans and mixed-breeds and never among the White people said, Stoner. Stoner also asserted that Christianity was well established all over North Africa by White folks before Mohammed was born. He noted that as time went on more and more people in North Africa became mongrelized with African blood. 

This Grand wizard went on to say in his letter to Elijah that the Africans were no longer capable or keen to rise and battle for Christianity when discrimination came upon them from Arabia. Stoner maintained in his letter that the African’s faith in Christ was one-dimensional and weak, adding that afterwards, the gory Islamic captors that came from Arabia massacred White Christian leaders but secured the Black people and mixed-breeds. Stoner said that the Africans hurriedly forgot Christ, the true religion, and became Mohammedans. Stoner went on to say that some scholars have speculated as to why, but not he.  Stoner argued that Islam is a creation of the coloured race. And that Islam is a sinister religion for dark people. The Klan leader penned in his over twenty-five point-letter, to the nation of Islam’s head Elijah Muhammad, that he can’t rationalise why Africans would support Islam for any other reason except race. He further explained that there are several reasons why Blacks should oppose it. He wrote that one reason for such is that the Qur’an forbids Muslims to drink intoxicating drinks and generally Blacks like to get drunk. He also highlighted that the Quran warned that thieves should have their hands cut off. Stoner asked, based on that rule of law how many Blacks would be left with hands? The grand wizard said that Christianity is the only true religion, and has only been triumphant in White nations amid White people, as documented in the narratives of the Christian party. However Stoner did not stop there in his letter, he pointed out that Christianity succeeds in all white nations, even when prohibited, but does not become visible to have ancestry in any coloured nation that possibly will endure suffering. Stoner’s letter also asserted that on an ethnic group origin, it would emerge that only the advanced white race is competent at understanding Christianity and that the dark, substandard races have a preference for a heathen faith like Islam. 

He stated that therefore, it is clear that we Christians should labour intensely to protect the great White race. Stoner is of the view that not only will the white race benefit; from missionary work and be influential in saving the individual soul of millions of the coloured populace despite their ethnic weakness and racial inferiority. The grand wizard’s letter went on to say that white Christians love the souls of all men, noting that with all admiration to the racial distinctions that God created.  

The grand wizard also asserted that God had only wanted one race; He would have created one race. Adding that “To every place, Islam has spread; Islam has been blot and brought darkness. Islam’s armies conquered much of Asia and Africa and even of Europe and caused darkness in every country that it entered and it decayed the civilizations that the great White race had built. In registering some historical facts Stoner recapped that “Muslims, in their efforts to conquer the world, occupied most of Spain and even enter by force ancient France. He added that luckily, there was a great white Christian leader, Charles Martel. Stoner said Martel saved civilization and the White race by trouncing the Mohammedans at the Battle of Tours in the year 732 and as a result stopped the Islamic invasion of Europe. Stoner furthered that later the Islamic Turks invaded White, Christian Europe from the East. And that the Turks, Guided By Suleiman the Magnificent, got as far into the heart of Europe at the gates of Vienna before they were stopped in 1529 A.D. However, Stoner’s letter noted that in 1683 A.D., for the duration of the reign of Mohammed IV, they overwhelmed Vienna again but were severely defeated by the great King John Sobieski in Poland, the hero of white Christendom and preserver of civilization. 

David R. Muhammad is a former morning host on Visions Television and a former member of the Palace Amusement Media Movie Review Committee. He is currently the Student Protocol Officer of the Nation of Islam’ study group – Jamaica.

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