How to stay healthy in the summer

The days leading up to the official start of summer is 21 June, but it seems hotter and hotter each day. The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends some healthy summer tips to stay safe during this time.
According to the CDC, at least 150 minutes of aerobic exercise is suggested per week. This is “physical activity that increases the heart rate and the body’s use of oxygen. It helps improve a person’s physical fitness,” notes the National Cancer Institute based in the United States of America. Some benefits of aerobic exercise include “improving sleep, reducing blood pressure, improving bone health, and lowering the risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes,” documents the CDC.
Another summer tip is wearing proper clothing to prevent sun damage and skin disease. “When possible, wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants and skirts, which can provide protection from UV rays. If wearing this type of clothing isn’t practical, try to wear a T-shirt or a beach cover-up,” notes the CDC. Also, for the most protection, wear a hat that has a brim all the way around that shades your face, ears, and the back of your neck. A tightly woven fabric, such as canvas, works best to protect your skin from UV rays. Sunglasses protect your eyes from UV rays and reduce the risk of cataracts. They also protect the tender skin around your eyes from sun exposure. Extreme heat can be dangerous for everyone, but it may be especially dangerous for people with chronic medical conditions, like heart disease and diabetes.
Delicious fruits and veggies make any summer meal healthier. These keep skin, teeth, and eyes healthy, supports muscles, helps achieve and maintain a healthy weight, strengthens bones, supports brain development, supports healthy growth, and boosts immunity in children. For adults, these food keeps skin, teeth, and eyes healthy, supports muscles, boosts immunity, strengthens bones and lowers risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers.
The CDC also recommends that people stay hydrated with water, because people who often drink sugary drinks are more likely to face health problems, such as weight gain, obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cavities, and gout, a type of arthritis. To prevent medical conditions, people should choose water (tap or unsweetened, bottled, or sparkling) over sugary drinks. Add berries or slices of lime, lemon, or cucumber to water. Keep a jug or bottles of cold water in the fridge.
Reach for drinks that contain important nutrients such as low fat or fat free milk; unsweetened, fortified milk alternatives; or 100 per cent fruit or vegetable juice first. “Before infants are 12 months old, do not give fruit or vegetable juice. Juice after 12 months old is not necessary, but 4 ounces or less a day of 100 per cent juice can be provided,” adds the CDC.