Army general predicts more instability in Francophone Africa

French General François Lecointre had a special event on 6 June. He was on a tour aimed at advertising his book published in April, Entre guerres, that presents a soldier’s point of view on the necessity and purpose of war. During that tour, Lecointre aired his views on the political situation in Francophone Africa. What startled many people is the violence that he predicts, as part of the future of those countries.
It was in Strasbourg, France while advertising his book, that President Macron’s former Chief of Defence made statements aimed at preparing public opinion, and that of the French in particular, for a French military intervention in Burkina Faso and in the Sahel area in general. Members of the audience, especially the Burkinabè were shocked and many of them posted that information and advised their compatriots to take the General’s statement seriously, since a military intervention in Burkina or the Sahel will have enormous repercussions on Africa and the whole world. Although he did not mention the date of such an operation, this high-ranking army officer clearly stated that the next genocide in Africa will be in Burkina Faso.
Such words, coming from a person of Lecointre’s caliber and experience, are heavy. He served as Chief of Defence in France between 2017 and 2021 and was elevated to the rank of Grand Chancellor of the Order of the Legion of Honour on 1 February 2023. He possesses firsthand experience on peace and security issues like the horrendous genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda, since he was involved in Opération Turquoise in 1994 in Rwanda. He also keeps abreast of the current socio-political developments in Francophone Africa. That analysis was considered to be a warning regarding a recolonization of Africa by France in the next 10 years. Lecointre’s statement is based on his evaluation of the situation on the continent, through conservative lens. That certainly does not come as a surprise, since the speaker is a seasoned military officer who is supposed to be patriotic, committed to defending the interests of his country as well as to possess a position and inclination vis à vis the geopolitical scene.
To Lecointre, the “withdrawal” or departure of the French army, is the result of the frustration of African masses and a generation a new leaders. The points he made include the following: Europe (and France in particular) must return to Africa in about 10 to 20 years and re-establish their power, control or influence. I find his assertions to be surprisingly imperialistic in this day and age. He sees Francophone Africa as an area plagued by numerous failures such as the destruction of the political machinery, an imminent demographic explosion and a panoply of difficulties related to climate change. So, to the French General, his country has the moral duty to carry out her mission which is to salvage the African continent. That, therefore, means that all European countries have to embark upon a “repossession” of their former colonies. To him, what is currently happening on the African continent, and its Francophone side in particular, is synonymous with the failure of France and Europe. The former “centre” cannot lose their control over the former “periphery”. So, what he means is that the current generation of European leaders must not accept the defeat of Europe on the African continent.
That view is obviously the contrary to what is occurring in Africa and what could be the future of Africa. Autonomy and the “thirst” for self-reliance is acute in today’s Africa, at least in French-speaking countries, especially the areas that recently witnessed military take overs. As I mentioned few days ago, the fever that got hold of those countries is simply a dialectical, scientific and logical development of the maturity of Francophone Africa’s consciousness. The populations are sick and tired of French hegemony and the hindrance to development that it represents. So, to see these novel dynamics as a call for the recolonization of the continent is incoherent; it is simply a judgement that carries a hidden agenda, that of a nation, country or continent preoccupied with maintaining their domination over Africa, at the socio-political and economic levels.
A detail that Lecointre allegedly provided is the fact that the genocide, which is imminent, can be prevented by the military intervention of France and, in reality, that military operation could be justified if one considers the following. The Fulani, nomads living in almost all the Sahelian African countries, are generally perceived to be agents of terrorists who are wreaking havoc in Sahelian Africa. What is also difficult to deny is the fact that the Fulani are indeed viewed with suspicion in Sahelian Africa since most of the terrorists who are killed or apprehended indicate proof of connection with the Fulani population. The reasons behind this “alliance” could be traced to ethnic, religious, historical and political realities or antecedents. Indeed, many analysts see in the destabilization of Africa an attempt to reorganize or re-create certain empires that existed in Africa, prior to colonization.
The General therefore states that the Fulani will be at the centre of a genocide in the near future in Burkina Faso. Although he was not specific on who will be the perpetrators and victims of that horrendous fact, if it were to happen, one could speculate that the Fulani who are a minority in terms of number or population are powerful since they allegedly have strong allies both in and outside Africa. In such a case, one could say or imagine that General Lecointre is alluding to a possible situation in which the Fulani will be targeted by non-Fulani populations in Africa.
This is obviously not a happy prediction. The genocide of the Tutsi in Rwanda is notoriously fresh in people’s mind. It took some time before the “super powers” like the US and others called it genocide. The implication of France in that genocide is now clear and another coincidence is that this year is the thirtieth anniversary of the Rwandan genocide. Africa should be ready to counter that recolonization by Europe and do all she can, as a continent, to avoid genocide.
This prediction of a genocide frightened a large number of Africans, and they are following closely the continuous developments on their continent. What provides some degree of hope is the fact that African populations, at least in the Sahel area, are no more passive spectators of daily happenings on the continent.
Moussa Traoré is Associate Professor at the Department of English of the University of Cape Coast, Ghana.
The west should give the new Africa a break and think about what they can do without African resources… Very soon we’re going to see who the real aid givers and donors are….
The doomsaying confirms the dictum that ‘the weak are indeed wicked’
Africa will rise
I do not understand what people think about when they want to make a decision.What I do not understand again is that this intervention will be upon population or the army…It is some people who know that they’ve failed on all fields and they now see the shame to leave totally in these countries because if they lose these countries,they’re lost.Their survival depends also on these countries.But now,if this intervention will take place,I swear,it will be the world war III.
Thanks for sharing. Africa, in particular AES, should really be ready to balk this devil plan. These satanic people are not sleeping, they are working days and nights in order to create an instability in AES area.
This is typical neo-colonialist propaganda. The general is being disingenuous and doing the bidding of his paymasters. If a genocide ever happens in Burkina Faso or any Francophone country, it will be because their media surrogates and political machinations behind the scene created a fertile ground for it. They are already at it. They only see war as necessary and purposeful if it will help them ‘recapture’ their lost colonies and sinister objectives.
The 21st century African knows better now, however, and is gradually turning his back on the need for a White Saviour.
Our non performing African Leaders have caused this.
Interested comment on the ongoing geopolitical situation between Europe (France, in particular), the US and West Africa.
There a lot of contradictions in the argumentation of Lecointre to defend his point. But instead of criticism, I would just like to ask some questions:
👉🏾 what kind of love do Europe and US have for Africa to predict Africans to be dead through genocide and to suffer through recolonization?
👉🏾Why do Europe and US need to help Africa when Africa refuses their help and even is begging them to stay away? Is a help compulsory when someone doesn’t want?
👉🏾 When Africans ask Europeans to stay away and they are still struggling with all their energy to stay, who needs who in these conditions?
I hope when thinking of answering those questions, people may understand that Europe and US just always find pretexts to stay steeling Africa’s richness and making suffer Africans.
Everyone knows, today, that terrorists are OTAN’s organizations. The leaked email of Hillary Clinton is a proof of that.
Hopefully, the shameless presidents of Africa will fail together with Europe and US.
Why is it difficult for France and Europe to accept that Africans are now waking up to reclaim their freedoms. Why can’t they just leave us alone. Why make such disastrous predictions? It’s a sad reality
Hi, I really appreciate your analysis 😊
In the one hand Here is my Agreement with General Lecointre’s Predictions:
Security Focus: Acknowledging that Africa faces significant security challenges is crucial. The rise of groups like Boko Haram, Al-Shabaab, and various militias in the Sahel region presents a serious threat to regional stability.
Need for International Collaboration: Agreeing that international cooperation is essential, considering the complexity of issues and the limitations of any single nation’s ability to address them comprehensively.
In the other hand My Critical Perspectives are the following :
Overemphasis on Military Solutions: One might critique an overemphasis on military interventions, suggesting a need for a more holistic approach that includes economic development, education, and governance reforms.
Africa’s Agency: Emphasizing Africa’s agency in solving its problems, rather than framing the continent primarily as a recipient of international aid and intervention. African nations and regional bodies like the African Union play crucial roles in addressing these challenges.
Diverse Realities: Highlighting that Africa is not monolithic; different regions and countries have varying degrees of stability, development, and challenges. A nuanced approach that considers these differences is necessary.
Thanks a lot. It’s my contribution.
Well seen. It come back to Africa countries particulary Burkina to prepare itself to affront this war. This speech of the general Lecointre must be considered as a war declaration. With the departure of France to AES, France become more and more ill and angry. Its economic system fall down. It leave 7th to 12th place. France will collapse without Africa. Because he is feeding himself with Africa ressources. That’s why he will try to recolonize Africa even with violence. But he will definitely upsetting because Africa is ready now to reach really independence despite some rulers like Talon, ADO and others who minds till stay in France.
Oh yes, people are no longer passive observers as boldly captured.
The General should know that the current crop of leaders in the Sahel cannot be baited by parasitic people like France.