The microscope: Strong marriages make safer nations – Part 2

On completing my last column of the same title, I realized that there was some more I could have written on the topic hence this week’s part two. Prophet Muhammad said, “Marriage is one-half of faith”.What! “I beg your pardon, is faith?” The voyage of faith is akin to a youngster’s birth into humankind to meet the progress of growth and maturity and advance to turn out to be an individual through divinity that produces or initiates something, whilst becoming one with the divine one (God). In the Holy Qur’an, it reads, “a soul that is at rest and well pleased with the Lord, and well-pleasing with the Lord have attained a condition of great delight in the human beings way of life after a long procedure crammed utilizing trials”.
The life of Prophet Muhammad and the life of Jesus Christ were packed with trials, harassment, suffering, adversity, loss of possessions, loss of life and dwindling of associates and colleagues. It is Allah (God) testing the soul that desires the quality of being in the company of He who creates all. Therefore, matrimony is one-half of a tour like that, then what kind of a character would go into a marriage with the view that all is going to be okay? What type of sailor are you to set out to sea only ready to sail if the seas are tranquil? But when as a sailor, you navigate in all sorts of weather conditions, you try to steer your ship from beginning to the end of a hurricane and do what is crucial for one’s vessel and its freight to stay alive. The craft and its goods are the males, females plus family unit.
All marriages have to go through stormy weather, save for if one who is merely the kind of sailor that wants one marriage as long as all is okay, in that case, your marriage is not going to last long. The Bible says, “This wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign” and Jesus said, “No sign shall be given to you except the sign of Jonah. As Jonah was in the belly of the great fish, three days and three nights, so shall the Son of Man be in the heart of the earth.” Wicked and adulterous have equal value in this sentence. An individual possibly will accept as true that you are not an iniquitous human being except, if you are disloyal; you are evil for the reason that you undercut trust. You destabilize loyalty and matrimony and set in motion the course of wrecking the family unit.
Once one is having sex with a strange female other than your spouse, you are not correctly assessing yourself as a double agent. Nevertheless, I would like to deposit it in that language so that we can in truth observe what our actions are achieving as a nation that we argue we love; set aside for more importantly what we are doing to our wives, children and families that we claim we love. Jonah of Bible fame was in the belly of the whale for three days and three nights. The Bible noted that Allah (God) required of Jonah a duty; nevertheless, Jonah was cautious in acknowledging a task that God was depositing on him. As a result, he was scurrying and avoiding the task even as God kept permitting conditions to befall him until at long last the enormous fish swallowed Jonah. In the stomach of that fish, he became conscious that he was combating something that he possibly will not be the victor against. He had to question himself if he was all set to discontinue struggling in opposition to God and submit. The instant Jonah called upon him and became all set to do what God had declared for him to perform, the fish spat him up on the earth. As of that minute, Jonah turned out to be a successful prophet of God.
Now how’s that narrative relevant to an immoral and two-timing generation? For those of you who are not aware I am a student of the Honourable Elijah Muhammad and the Honourable Minister Louis Farrakhan that said that Allah (God) is calling on us to do work, not just for ourselves, but a job for humankind. The misery that Black folks have tolerated has given us the compassion that, once the ship is dirt-free, decontaminated and the correct expressions are placed in us, we can carry the world up out of its present follies. First, we have to be brought up out of it. In the holy Qur’an Surah 30, titled “The Romans,” the segment labelled “A Transformation” says: “dishonesty has become visible in the earth and sea because of that which man’s hands have produced that He, Allah, might make them live through a fraction of what they have done so that they may return.” Is that not gorgeous? Corruption has materialized in the country on the landscape and the ocean. The Honourable Elijah Muhammad spoke concerning the corruption of the air, land, water, et cetera. At the moment, we are all sufferers of that dishonesty in government. The judiciary is corrupt. Businessmen are corrupt. Law enforcers are corrupt. Clerics are corrupt. Teachers are corrupt. Parents are corrupt. There is a penalty to be paid for corruption.
In our family units, corruption is the reason we pay a tremendous price. In our families, there is a dispute, doubt, discontent, injury and hurting for the reason that there is corruption. You, the reader, may become angry with my concluding words, but I have to enlighten you with some reality. In the natural history of effects, there would not have been present a devil on the earth if a scientist had not learned how to split the weaker germ, the tanned germ, from the Black germ. This account is filled with parables, yet it is profound for the reason that, in the atom, there are rules. It does not become negative unless you divide the particles.
In my conclusion, I will raise a few questions as it relates to this writer for those who already are, or intend to enter into matrimony. What storm comes up most in our marriages? How can we best navigate them, especially if we know they are coming? Jesus classifies an entire generation as “wicked and adulterous.” Are we living in a time of such a generation? What are the signs that we are? What is a traitor? Why does adultery make us a traitor to the building of a nation? The splitting of the atom releases an enormous destructive force. What destructive forces are released in the splitting of families? How does this coincide with Allah’s (God) hatred of divorce?
David R. Muhammad is a former morning host on Visions Television and a former member of the Palace Amusement Media Movie Review Committee. He is currently the Student Protocol Officer of the Nation of Islam’ study group – Jamaica.