Bill Gates and Africa’s growing population

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A map of Africa (image: courtesy of Clker-Free-Vector-Images)

Africa’s population represents a genuine threat to the West which dreads the power of the exponential growth of Africa’s population. Statistics show that 40 per cent of Africans were under 15 years in 2023. This is a contrast with the White population of Europe and the US that has been experiencing a thinning growth rate for decades. Cultural preferences are some of the reasons behind this dichotomy between the African scene and that of the West. While it is generally believed that in Africa, one’s children are one’s social security. In contrast, developed nations treasure the comfort, privacy and pleasure that come with a childless couple. A statement which trended on social media about two years ago attributed the following view to former US President, Donald Trump, after his “shit hole” scandalous comparison. It is thought that “Africans are good at only one thing which is marrying several spouses and giving birth to many children”. This view might not be that of the average Westerner, but it is obvious that the demographic explosion on the African continent sends chills down the spine of the West.

The current opinion, behaviour, belief and action of African societies is the result of the change that has occurred on the continent. The youth, who now make up the majority of the population, are tech savvy and dedicated to social media with the ability to verify the authenticity of information. It is a generation that rebels against the subjugation that their parents and grandparents went through at the hands of Westerners. That causes drastic and bitter changes in European societies whose profits, superiority myth and disguised parasitic relationship with Africa are revealed in broad daylight. Europeans are now wondering how their existence will be possible without the oil, gas, uranium and many mineral resources that were pillaged from Africa. The rejection of European domination by African countries is a 360-degree movement that can be explained by one factor only:  an increasing African population that will experience a real “explosive” augmentation in the next 10 to 20 years. That means unimaginable misery of diverse types for Europe and the US.

The digital skills that pervade every corner of the world makes it easy for conscientious commentators and analysts to air their views and Cameroonian Nathalie Yamb is one such. She tirelessly dissects daily occurrences on the continent, traces the roots of important phenomena and lays bare the possible repercussions. One topic that she spent much time and energy discussing is the growth of the African population and the actions of some people who pose as philanthropists while their real goal is to annihilate that growth. In a post on June 24 Yamb reflected that US billionaire Bill Gates is in that circle that works to reverse the increasing dynamics of the African population. To the political analyst, the American billionaire uses stratagems like medical assistance mainly in the form of vaccines. She adds that India is also a victim of this well-planned annihilation project, since the population of that country is increasing by leaps and bounds. The core of this piece is the case of Africa.

Yamb’s meticulously researched progressist and Pan-Africanist “lectures”, and those of chroniclers, researchers and activists like Alain Foka, Kemi Seba and many others, are legion. She clearly refers to Bill Gates as a silent, indefatigable, militant of the depopulation mission of Africa. She discloses that the billionaire is the main financier of the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI), a body that is commonly labeled as a “public-private global health partnership with the goal of increasing access to immunization in poor countries”. This “corporation” is credited with the immunization of almost half of the world’s children, a gesture that prevents more than 13 million deaths world-wide. It is, further, praised as a business-oriented and technology-focused entity, ranked well-above the World Health Organization (WHO). So, the mission that GAVI assigns to itself is to provide vaccine to “beggar countries” for the immunization of their populations.

The DPT vaccine is another useful element in the illustration of Bill Gates’s hidden agenda, according to Yamb. This one is a combination vaccine against three infectious diseases in humans: diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), and tetanus (lockjaw). This vaccine has been banned in the USA and Europe since the 1980s, due to its severe side effects. According to Lamb, since that period (the 1980s), Gates financed the immunization of 161 million African children with DPT. The same source points out that the US billionaire solicited the assistance of the Danish Government in this philanthropic immunization mission. The Danes requested scientific proof of the efficiency of the vaccine and since Bill Gates could not provide it, they conducted their own investigations and unearthed the following diabolic facts: the death rate of African girls vaccinated with the anti-DTP product was 10 times higher than that of their counterparts who were not administered the vaccine. Although the vaccinated ones were protected against diphtheria and tetanus, they usually succumbed more often from ailments like anemia, malaria, pneumonia and other respiratory diseases.

A more recent plan of the duo Gates/GAVI is the COVAX initiative, which our analyst calls “criminal”. The initiative aimed at distributing millions of AstraZeneka Covishield doses, made for the “immunization” of Africans. In this case, the type destined for Blacks was never authorized in Europe and the one allegedly made for Whites was removed from the pharmacy shelves due to its side effects. Africans refused the vaccine and while Gates was expecting the death of millions of Africans, Africa emerged as the least affected continent by the pandemic. The same source adds that such examples are uncountable on the billionaire’s path. In Nigeria, Cameroon, almost everywhere in Africa and India, vaccines supposedly manufactured to fight against polio, HIV/AIDS, uterine cancer and malaria rather aim to kill populations that represent a threat in the eyes of the West. Yamb does not hide her disappointment in the billionaire whom she calls “a psychopath   disguised as a philanthropist working to reduce the population of the third world”.

In all this, the solace comes from the negligence that African countries exhibited towards a trio that Yamb considers a nuisance: GAVI/Bill Gates, France and the EU. Only President Paul Kagame of Rwanda and three other leaders attended the forum they organized. Countries that collaborate with the Bill Gates Foundation, GAVI and others, and accept vaccines coming as aid from the West are simply endangering the health of their populations. The dearest wish of Westerners is an “African continent without Africans” and here is the proof according to Yamb: in the US and Europe, children are immunized with a variant of DTP with less side effects while DTP, conversely, is still being shipped to Africa.  Her last piece of advice to Africans is to avoid Mosquirix, which is said to be a vaccine against malaria, donated to Africa by “kind-hearted” Western pharmaceutical laboratories.

I still wonder why Bill Gates indulges in such a horrible project which is the antithesis of what his foundation is known for, world-wide.

Moussa Traoré is Associate Professor at the Department of English of the University of Cape Coast, Ghana.

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  1. I am very glad to know that many of our researchers have understood the West’s plan on the subject of necessarily reducing the African population.
    I always wonder why some products sent to Africa are not used in Europe? This must challenge us all. It is up to Africans to open their eyes and especially the good one.
    Westerners are seeking by all means to reduce the growth of the African population. They first proposed monogamy, then family planning, marriage between men and women. Having seen all these failed plans, they want to go through the different vaccines to achieve their goal. Let’s remain vigilant.

  2. Thank you for sharing; may God protect the african people against those criminals. Now the african leaders have to be conscious and know that what Africa needs in terms of assistance is not to vaccinate us.

  3. Vaccines as a ploy to annihilate Africa?


    When will our Leaders empower African scientists to authenticate the veracity of these so-called ‘philanthropic’ acts towards Africa?

    Or they have been compromised to compromise the health of their nations?

    Is the WHO aware of these deeds of Gate?

    The AU is sleeping as usual.
    Are we safe?
    More questions…who/WHO will answer?

  4. Africans are enlighted now. They do not accept things coming from westerns blindly as before and without thinking over and over.

  5. Ah! Shocking revelation. The white man alway have an interest when donating or giving an aid. If we learn how to manage our own afairs and resource, it would have been difficult to destroy Africa by using aids and dontions as a bate.
    Beautiful piece of writing sir.

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